Friday, January 23, 2015

Resource for the evaluation of Impact of Scientific Journals

It is important that the publications in journals have some credibility , those that are in the database JCR ( See link to the list of journals ) are the best on the recommendation of Dr. Oskar Villarreal who believes that the editorial Thomson and seeker query multiple databases, web of Science , is well recognized worldwide .

According to the Guide Tools Analysis Research Activity In The Open University Library UNED, " A magazine has impact index when you prestige and is indexed in the databases Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI- EXPANDED ) or Social Sciences Citation Index ( SSCI) both integrated in the web of Science ( WoS ) . with the citations received and the number of papers published , the impact factor , which will be published annually in another tool called Journal Citation Reports (JCR ) is made. there are other indicators of alternative quality and complementary to the impact factor recommended by ANECA and CNEAI such as the SJR (developed by the Scimago Group) and the impact factors that offer iN- RECS , IN - RECH , RESH for Spanish magazines. These tools are free. in addition to these indicators , assessment bodies also consider the position and occupying a magazine quartile ranking in their specialty. the magazines are arranged in a ranking from highest to lowest impact factor, and is divided into 4 parts ( quartiles : Q1 , Q2, Q3 and Q4) or 3 parts ( tertiles) " . End of cita .

There are other resources including: Teseo, is an important foundation for doctoral theses and other such Dialnet , Eric and Scopus.

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