Friday, January 30, 2015

Bibliographic Management Software

There are several bibliographic management software , the most famous are : Mendeley , Zotero and EndNote . In this case we will work with Mendeley , url has the website with the strongest community and platform, as Dr. Oskar Villarreal has shown its use and its preference for what he recommended at this time. From now make cita and references is very easy, thanks to the use of these tools.
Example of references in Word with Mendeley , once synchronized with Word mendelay only be inserted cita or references

Interesting video :

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Scientific Network ResearchGate

In this exclusive social network for scientists you will find researchers around the world , where you can share , help or receive cooperation from other scientists. To register you must have corporate email . . In the picture above you can see my user you can upload your publications , track citas and have access to scientific and see your articles:

In the following video we see an interesting experience.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Resource for the evaluation of Impact of Scientific Journals

It is important that the publications in journals have some credibility , those that are in the database JCR ( See link to the list of journals ) are the best on the recommendation of Dr. Oskar Villarreal who believes that the editorial Thomson and seeker query multiple databases, web of Science , is well recognized worldwide .

According to the Guide Tools Analysis Research Activity In The Open University Library UNED, " A magazine has impact index when you prestige and is indexed in the databases Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI- EXPANDED ) or Social Sciences Citation Index ( SSCI) both integrated in the web of Science ( WoS ) . with the citations received and the number of papers published , the impact factor , which will be published annually in another tool called Journal Citation Reports (JCR ) is made. there are other indicators of alternative quality and complementary to the impact factor recommended by ANECA and CNEAI such as the SJR (developed by the Scimago Group) and the impact factors that offer iN- RECS , IN - RECH , RESH for Spanish magazines. These tools are free. in addition to these indicators , assessment bodies also consider the position and occupying a magazine quartile ranking in their specialty. the magazines are arranged in a ranking from highest to lowest impact factor, and is divided into 4 parts ( quartiles : Q1 , Q2, Q3 and Q4) or 3 parts ( tertiles) " . End of cita .

There are other resources including: Teseo, is an important foundation for doctoral theses and other such Dialnet , Eric and Scopus.

Statistical computing and graphics, R and RStudio

RStudio is a programming tool that allows us to design, analyze and interpret the results of a study or measurement system in a graphical environment since R is only by commands.

You can watch the video at the following link: Tutorial - Getting Data into RStudio

You can also the following video in Spanih:

Using Google Drive To create : Folders, Documents, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form and drawing.

Through your account you can log into Gmail Google Drive and you can create folders, documents, presentation, spreadsheet, form, drawing, etc. You can share it with others with Gmail emails . You can also insert in your blog.

Example of creating form:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Doctoral thesis

This blog is to share the view of participating in a doctoral thesis. As far as I am concerned I have achieved certification levels in the technology industry valuable  CCNA, CCNP, CCSP , Nework Plus , etc. and masters , now none of this is comparable to the doctorate , which leads to a different lifestyle and a way of thinking collaboratively.

The main goal of research is not only to provide growth to prospective students , but also serves to enhance the country's ability to produce high quality research . Academic research doctorate are key to the development of expertise in a country in a variety of fields and to improve competitiveness and innovation , the importance of doctoral academic research is critical to the development of the individual as well as national development.

Be participating in this  Master en Tecnologíay Aprendizaje de la Universidad  el país Vasco fron my view, the most important thing is that after completion of the Master , can opt for the Doctoral Thesis . I encourage those who have not yet decided to continue the doctoral dare and take the first step , although the first part , the beginning is the simplest else can be done in parts and acquire the highest university degree possible .

Spanish teachers, doctors taught all subjects in modality in The Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences , .

In the video below we see the steps to develop a Research .

In this network we can filter news and sharing topics of interest :

Monday, January 19, 2015

Google Academic / scholar

The purpose of this entry is a space to write about the experience of Google Scholar , I recently started a master's program in Technology and elicitation of the University of the Basque Country with access to doctoral , and have put our work on this website for recommendation Dr. Carlos Castaño. We can see the citations and references of published articles. Number of times a document is uploaded to the network , helps to export citations in some predefined and also allows to export in the network . Also you can directly export the appointment. Google covers journal articles, papers and presentations at conferences , scientific reports, thesis , web pages, any publication summary. That does not cover: book reviews and editorials , textbooks and monographs , newspapers and magazines college . Strengths : Fast, easy to use and free , Weaknesses : There is no quality control of the processed sources , lack of transparency in the content of the database, errors in information processing , typos, automatic algorithms , errors in bibliographic reference. I invite you to register , so they can see the appointments of their work , they can also see mine on the graph.

To enter can use this link r Also see the following video can use google to refine your search and Perish which is a free search software for more efficient and just looking for the first thousand results :

Sunday, January 18, 2015

My Other Blog

Being able to share personal experiences motivates me to create this blog that arises after participating in the Master in Technology and Education at  the Universidad Del País Vasco. In 2002 I had a personal encounter with God and my testimony is narrated in the book walking to holiness published in four versions:

Walking Holiness Kindle EditionWalking Holiness tapa blanda